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James Kennedy

Business & Empowerment Coach

Join my community and take The Journey

  • Welcome

    For over three decades I have dreamt about being more than I felt I was. For twenty plus of those years I have actively studied personal development in so many areas such as Hypnosis, NLP, Breath work, Coaching and so much more to achieve my dreams.

    I now run several businesses that light me up and give me the opportunity to live the life of my own design. 

    I know that if your lost or feeling you can't get any further than you are right now or you are living a groundhog day life where the same boring stuff is driving you to insanity! I get that I have been their more times than I care to remember. The good news is with the right coach this can be fixed faster than you could have dreamed possible.

    When choosing a coach don't pick just anyone as they are not all the same. 

    Coaches come in all different shapes, sizes & Flavours. If you want to get physically fit sports & nutrition coaches are experts in this field (I am not!) If your looking for a business coach sometimes it's actually a marketing consultant you need.

    If your looking to change your life entirely to increase productivity, quality of life, more free time to vacation or follow your passion you need someone like me. I would like to say a life coach but those words get banded about with a lot of people who have not even had a life.

    I prefer Business & Empowerment coach, the reason for this is without the business insights I have you will probably never have enough money to take the time off you need. The empowerment side is where we get down to what you really want, not the self talk you have been telling yourself because society, parents or friends have told you what you want. 

    I believe a coach needs to be living a similar life to what you want to achieve, they don't have to be richer, smarter or fitter than you, they just need to have figured out there way to happiness to assist you in your journey to happiness.

    Here is how my life looks

    I married a incredibly strong women who I respect as my equal and consider her my best friend that I have no secrets from. This was a lot of trial & error to find someone that ticked all of my boxes and I know she has my back in any situation, for richer or poorer sickness & health.  

    I have 3 amazing kids following their own paths two live with me one lives with my ex partner and is doing equally as well as the two at home.

    I have a very successful tourism business I run over the summer months here in Scotland that allows me to meet new people from around the world and share my incredible country with them. I love this business as it really replenishes my soul and spiritual side of my life. Scotland is majestical and opens me up to endless possibilities.

    Some of my touring clients have become amazing friends that I have travelled and visited them in their countries some have become coaching clients and some have just came and enjoyed the Scenery & memories we shared on our time together.

    I was a professional Magician & Stage Hypnotist for many years while studying the things that allow me to coach clients now but on occasions I still take some bookings in as I still enjoy entertaining people and bringing laugher and joy.

    I'm an inventor of magic & entertainment tools that other performers are using around the globe I also bring a lot of marketing skills to some of these tools to help other entertainers gain more income and opportunities within that marketplace.

    But mostly I'm a coach that loves to works with clients around the world helping them achieve their dreams and true potential (sometimes they don't even know what that is until we work together).

    I only enter into coaching agreements with people I know I can help and know I will enjoy working with. All potential coaching clients will sign up to a be with session (up to 3 hours or longer sometimes) to make sure we are going to be a great fit for each other. Once we have spent time breaking down your walls and working on your want's, needs & desires we can plan what coaching plan is best for you. 

    If we decide to work together here is my promise to you my potential client.

    • I will be your biggest cheerleader
    • Your brainstorming partner
    • Your most trusted advisor
    • your emergency lifeline to reach out to
    • your toughest critic
    • your accountability partner
    • your person you can say anything too to help clear your head and get back on track
    • I will be gentle and kind when you need it I will tough with you when you need it too
    • I will make suggestions to resources & tools to help you get their faster
    • I will share my sales marketing knowledge when needed from my 25 plus years in business
    • when we are working together I will you 100% to get you the best outcomes possible

    You will have access to me via email & messenger and I will answer it ASAP!

    My commitment to you will be all in. Your goals will become my goals and I will work hard on your goals before during and after our sessions. 

    So What Makes Me Different?

    In one word, HONESTY!

    I have been so fed up being lied too for all these years and the opportunity to make an income hidden under all the smoke & mirrors. 
    I felt it was time to drill down and do research and find the people who are really out there making it happen and not just talking about it.

    I will share everything I have found useful to me from day one and if anything changes I will keep everything updated. Anytime I find something new that is either working for me or is something that might not be my style but has impressive results you can be sure it will either be reviewed by me or a link to check it out yourself.